Thursday, December 01, 2005

The gas tax debate...

My only post on the gas tax issue was more about open governement than anything else. It does, however, seem to be the topic of the hour so I will give my two cents...

I am amazed at how the far right can take any issue and turn it into a bash-fest on public education. Yes, the transportation fund was raided... and I believe we covered that issue at nausea during budget deliberations. Can we stay on topic, folks?

The views of our Legislators are easy enough to figure out. Why walk away from the trough? The Roadbuilder's own much of the Legislature. I simply don't understand, however, how anyone outside the walls of the capitol can support a tax that no one votes on. Yes, I know the income tax goes up as incomes climb.... blah, blah, blah. But seriously, how is this any different than automatic pay raises for politicians? Put aside the politics and the spin... and this is an issue that should transcend liberal and conservatives labels.

My vote for the best "Different Take" on the issue goes to
GOP3 for their thoughts on the aftermath of this fight.


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