Saturday, April 15, 2006

Bloggers are conceited, meanspirited and... hold on, now, what does this button do?

I have a confession to make. I thought most of you were pretty much jerks. Either that or my writing ability is almost nonexistent (which still may be the case). A couple of you who I have praised or pointed out in a post were particularly jags.

Let me explain. Computers are new to me. However, I love to write and I love politics. Hence, my interest in creating a blog. But goodness gracious... 5 months of occasional posts and not even one comment. Certainly not from one of the regcognized blogs.... but not even from the local guys who seem to keep tabs on each other even if they come from opposite viewpoints. Not one stinking comment. Geez, my writing really sucks!

Then came the problem. I like to start a post while reading other's work, then finish it off later. The post, however, shows up at the time or date I started the draft. For example, tonight's three posts are about five or six posts back because I started them a while back.

The solution? Simply press every tab on the screen. There HAS to be a way to fix this and put the last post published on the top of the page. While I haven't found out that quite yet.... GUESS WHAT I DID FIND?

20 comments. Just sitting there in a file, waiting for me to approve their posting on my blog. Some from as far back as four months ago.

So to those of you who critiqued, disagreed or even just acknowledged my attempt to post something worth reading here, I apologize for ignoring you. For those I've cursed under my breath because you comment EVERYWHERE but here... my bad. Who knows what I'll uncover under a different tab next week.

PS I even received a comment from the one and only Dennis York. And I big-timed him... blew him off completely. Beautiful

I'm such a dork...


Blogger grumps said...

Okay, now that you've found Comment Moderation you can decide to turn it off or not. Then the comments come in real time.

At the bottom of your Create screen there is something called Post and Comment Options. Use that to move a post up to real time or back to bury it. Set it for the future to make it a Sticky that stays at the top for as long as you want.

Nothing to it. Keep it up.

8:27 AM  
Blogger Oberon said...

.....hey dork.....that button gives me a short,sharp,shock, no not again....ahhhh.

11:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hilarious. We don't ignore those we don't like/don't agree with; we prefer to attack them.

Keep up the good work.

12:55 PM  
Blogger realdebate said...

Now that is some spiffy satire!

10:12 PM  

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