Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The lawnsign patrol

I've admitted in previous posts that I am a campaign junkie. I love following races, forcasting winners and reacting to lessons learned in each election. There is, however, one aspect of election time I just can't stand.

I cannot explain my frustration with illegally placed campaign signs. How can people who are asking for the public's trust in making tough decisions be so cavalier about breaking the law? Is this how they will view the law when they are elected? Is it SO hard to put the darn thing back a few more feet if you're not quite sure where the right of way ends?

Part of my frustration results in nothing being done to these law breakers. I have called the police and they say they have better things to do (and I agree with them). I have contacted the District Attorney who is in charge of election and campaign laws and he actually laughed at me.

As a result, I have decided to keep track of signs I notice that are clearly not on private property. I will update the list periodically. If the law won't punish these evil doers, perhaps a public relations nightmare from my three readers will due the trick.

The returns are still early but here are the biggest rule-breakers as of now...

3 - Frank Goodwin (98th) Main St, Main St, Main St.

3- Chris Lufter (97th) Sunset, St. Paul, TT

2 - Paul Bucher 164, 164

1- Sensenbrenner Pewaukee Rd.

1 - David Clarke Lake Dr.

1 - Mark Green Lake Dr.

Special props go out to Mr. Bucher, whose two illegal signs happen to be large signs. Candidates will make an argument that lawnsign placement isn't their fault because homeowners frequently place them. Large signs, however, are almost always placed by the campaign...

Stay tuned!


Blogger Kate said...

I've actually had people calling me complaining about where OTHER people have put their yard signs. In Waupun, I know you can't put them in that little patch of land between the sidewalk and the curb. I inform anyone who gets a sign from me about this sticky "law". They usually have the same reaction I originally did... "I have to mow it, what do you mean I can't put a sign on it!?"

Luckily, I haven't dealt with too many of the BIG signs, but those few always have been on private land, and by request of the owner.

10:20 AM  

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