Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Sign Patrol... Week Three

The sign patrol has been out once again looking for those politicians and wanabees who can't quite seem to follow the law when it comes to placing their campaign signs. Bob Collison, running in the 98th Assembly District and the two candidates for Waukesha District Attorney are new to the list this week.

In what has to be seen as the most impressive (or unimpressive, depending on your point of view) showing to date, Sheriff Dan Trawicki posts six new illegal campaign sign locations, vaulting him into a tie for the scoflaw of the election year award with Chris Lufter. Here are the totals after three weeks...

7 - Chris Lufter (Sunset, Moreland, Jefferson)

7 - Dan Trawicki ( Sunset, K, K, K, Oakdale, Oakdale)

5 - Paul Bucher ( Hewitts Point)

4 - Frank Goodwin (164)

3 - JB Van Hollen

3 - Dennis Krueger ( P, 83, J )

2 - Michael Landsgaard

2 - Brad Schimmel (Sunset, 83)

1 - Jim Sensenbrenner

1 - David Clarke

1 - Mark Green

1 - Bob Collison (164)

If they can't follow the law now...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should post a number to complain about illegal yard signs - wouldn't that be Bucher (the sign lawbreaker) himself?

11:07 AM  

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