Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Politics... Manitowoc style

I had the opportunity to spend a weekend in Manitowoc recently and found the town to be quite charming. The area's politics, however, seem to be quite mixed up.
The following is what I have been able to put together from my short stay there and a brief scan of the area papers...

Democrat Bob Ziegelbauer, who is also the County Executive, won a democratic primary against Anne Woznicki , who claimed Bob could not handle both jobs at once (Ziegelbauer plans on keeping both). Shortly after winning the Democratic nomination, Ziegelbauer appeared in a John Gard commercial, endorsing the Republican for Congress.

Area Dem's, furious over this betrayal, pulled their support from Ziegelbauer and are urging felloe democrats to write in primary-loser Woznicki. Governor Doyle, on the other hand, continued to support Ziegelbauer on the campaign trail, calling his Gard endorsement an "area where we disagree".


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