Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Let's focus, people...

Wouldn't it be nice, just for once, if we could have a real debate on a serious issue? Take the expansion of school choice, for example. I, perhaps naively, thought the impending crisis involving the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program would lead to thought-provoking analysis on the history and the future of Milwaukee's historic program. Instead, we have gotten the following...

* Charlie Sykes and the other talking heads battering the Governor over not "caring" about the black kids in Milwaukee County involved in the program. Reality check. Charley and his cohorts spend hours scouring the wires for ANY story that could paint public education in a bad light. Could be in Virginia, California or right here in our back yard. If it can turn a few more listeners into education bashers, it's worth spending some time on. For these guys to say "do it for the kids" is truly remarkable. I wonder how they sleep at night.

* Our Republican Legislators in Madison saying the Governor is using the kids to appease WEAC and to increase funding to MPS. News flash. The Republicans have been counting the days until this crisis arrived. They've had years to avert this situation by working out some sort of compromise. They aren't interested in working out a solution nor do they care about the kids that might be removed from the program. They see this as a wedge that can be used for the advancement of their true motive... A slow death of the public educational system as we currently know it. None of them will admit this... but anyone with any knowledge of the Capitol is aware of it. This issue is about the expansion of the Choice program. First, to Milwaukee County, then to the rest of the State. Ultimately, a system where everyone gets an "education check", with the kids the choice schools don't hand-pick (special ed, gifted, etc.) ending up in what's left of the public school system. Jensen has been talking about it for years... the rest aren't quite as honest but ultimately feel the same way. So please, drop the feigned compassion for the kids.... you haven't paid attention to the children in your own districts for a decade.

* Governor Doyle and his ridiculous plan for an agreement. More SAGE money and increased funding for MPS? Is the Governor going to have one good idea in educational before his term is up? Remember, it was he who originally broke the two-thirds funding promise. It was he who pushed for increased funding of 4year old K when we aren't funding K-12 at proper levels right now. It was the Governor who led the charge for more breakfast programs in the State while class size is increasing throughout the State and co-curriculars are being cut.
If you're going to use the choice kids as a bargaining chip, Governor, why don't you attempt to align the revenue caps with the QEO? Why not try to get rid of this stupid notion that public school districts should pay for the busing of private school kids? Why not lift some of the mandates that State Government has thrown on the locals over the past 20 years? If you believe in using this as a bargaining chip... what a wasted opportunity.

*Lastly, a big thank you to Xoff for distracting the masses. Is Sykes' ad against the law? I have no idea. But the conversation over the blogs has went from debating the program to a childish argument over who owes who an apology. They like to get off subject, Bill, because the facts never really help their cause. And you gave them ammunition for the week.

My take on the school choice issue? That's tomorrow's post

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

A month without a post?

Well, almost a month. It's amazing what a computer virus can do to one's schedule. To top that, it took quite a few days to catch on the blogosphere once I got back online. Many ideas for posts... but a couple of thoughts while I find time to get back in the swing of things...

1. How do the best of the bloggers do it? The bloggers to the right of this page, along with a few others, are my daily reading. (I understand "Capital" has been forced to close shop???) Some I agree with and some rarely are in the same universe as me. But I have the utmost respect for all of them. I'm amazed that they can continually update their blogs with entertaining and mostly credible thoughts when I struggle to get a few up each week. It certainly sounded easier before I started this excercise.

2. Has the CRG started a recall of Scott Jensen and no one is paying attention? As his impending doom becomes clearer and clearer, certainly everyone can agree that his "alleged" violations are much more severe than many of the ethical or mythical claims trumped up about CRG's previous targets. Or could CRG just want responsible government some of the time...

3. I'll have more to say about the school choice issue soon. But, for Pete's sake, could our Waukesha County Legislators please just shut up about the Governor not caring for the children of Milwaukee? If just one of these politicians ever did even one thing to stand up for the kids in their own district, I'd give them some slack. But their idea of supporting education is to spend all of their political capital on behalf of kids in Milwaukee County. Stop playing political games with our kids...
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